Friday, March 30, 2007

More pics...

Here are a few more pictures to look at: It's after midnight right now and I need to get up at 5am to catch a bus back up to Djibo and from there bike back to my village so I don't really have the time to write a long post. I'll hopefully be able to post something again soon as I hear that the Internet's working again in Djibo. I also have pictures to post from my vacation in Ghana, but that'll probably have to wait until the next time I make it down to the capital (Ouaga). Hope everyone's doing good back home, please write or send an email if you get a chance. Thanks!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Ghana bound!

I just finished up my second semester of teaching and now have a couple of weeks off before the the third and final semester of the school year. The hot season has just kicked into gear this past week so I'm taking advantage of the time off by heading down to Ghana and spending a few days on the beach. I'm hoping when I get back to put up a decent sized post describing the last couple of months and hopefully some more pictures. Until then, here's a link to a small sampling of pictures. ( The picture above is of myself and Ilyassa who's about 20 or so months old. He's the youngest in my courtyard and we tend to hang out a lot. This picture was taken in front of my house - that's the entrance to my house behind us.